Here's to the first hurricane

6:47AM exactly a week ago, after 19 hours of labor where the epidural abandoned me, we welcomed Kieran into our family.  Pretty much nothing about the delivery was according to plan.  Since this is our second rodeo, I had this plan in my head.  We would be admitted on Wednesday, meds then and deliver by Thursday, home by Friday.  Instead they have us scheduled for Saturday.  The whole gang, troops to the hospital to find out they had no delivery rooms available, they will call when they do.  Sunday and Monday roll by...none for us!  Then Tuesday at 12:57AM, the hospital finally calls and can take us now.  Rush on over, wait for a couple of hours before I get the meds to start the ball rolling.  This time, I ask for epidural and got it, yay for me!  Last stage of labor, they dial down the epidural and on came the pain! 

But back to the most important part...Kieran's here!  I anticipated that coming home was going to be interesting.  But it was so cute, Sean was beside himself with excitement that his baby brother was home! 

Then came the hurricane.  Typical for a newborn, Kieran was always hungry because my milk has not come in yet.  Struggling to breastfeed, in walks Sean from his room looking flushed.  John takes him back to his bed where he promptly throws up twice!  Switching kids, John is now on Kieran patrol and I take Sean's temperature...103.9, yikes!  I give him Ibuprofen, he throws that up too.  It is now 2:30AM and my dad and I are cruising 24-hour pharmacies to get Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen suppositories.  I cannot imagine going through this without my parents there to help us.   The next 48 hours was basically spent switching between hungry newborn and sick 3-year old. 

Poof goes the earth-mother image of me that I had in my head!

Oh well, here's to the first hurricane survived.


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